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Shared Preferences Tutorial

  • SharedPreferences are used to store some data persistently.
  • Similar to database in functionality, but easy to use as compare to database and developer prefer SharedPreferences for storing small amount of data
  • Usually use to store the flag variable values.
  • Like Storing sound on /off flag of application

We can get SharedPreferences object using following method.

Public abstract SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences (String name, int mode)

Desired Name of the file. If a preferences file by this name does not exist, it will be created when you retrieve an editor (SharedPreferences.edit ()) and then commit changes (Editor. Commit ()).
File Creation Mode. Use 0 or MODE_PRIVATE for the default operation.

SharedPreferences mSharedPreferences =getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("pref", MODE_PRIVATE);
        //get Editor object using  sharedPreference edit() Method
        Editor mEditor= mSharedPreferences.edit();
        //set boolean Values  into preference files
        mEditor.putBoolean("booleanValue", true);
        //set String value into the preference file
        mEditor.putString("stringValue", "hello");
        //set integer value into the preference file
        mEditor.putInt("intValue", 1);
        //set the long value into the preference file
        mEditor.putLong("longValue", 1212121);
        //set the float value into the preference file
        mEditor.putFloat("floatValue", 10.0f);
        //commit the changes
        //get the boolean value from preference
        Boolean booleanValue=mSharedPreferences.getBoolean("boolean", true);
        //get the String value from  preference
        String stringValue=mSharedPreferences.getString("stringValue", "default value");
        //get the int value from preference
        int intValue=mSharedPreferences.getInt("intValue", 1);
        //get the long value from preference
        Long longValue=mSharedPreferences.getLong("longValue", 1212121);
        //get the float value from the preference
        Float floatValue=mSharedPreferences.getFloat("floatValue", 10.0f);



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